The Secret Weapon of Marketing: How to Dominate the Competition-Free Landscape of Fax Marketing

Justin McDonald
4 min readMar 24, 2023


Fax: The competition-free zone in business

Working with the fire department, I’ve realized that daily volunteer work has taught me valuable business lessons. These lessons come and go in my mind, like little bursts of inspiration.

Just recently, I started to utilize my fax machine a portion of my business, and so far…..well, that’s another story.

As I was going through my training at the fire department, I learned about the different controls and communication tools.


The Chief then started teaching me about the fax machine, which is rarely used except for automatic faxes and mentioned about these one-page ads that come through once in a while.

It got me thinking about the untapped potential of fax marketing.

I was taken aback as I perceived it differently from the Chief.

In my experience, most people with operational fax machines can’t tolerate these ads.

However, these faxed ads are not too frequent.

The whole experience kind of unraveled into a Dan Kennedy lesson for me. I remember Dan Kennedy mentioned it in his Millionaire Renegade book….one of the secrets having to do with:

“creating a competition-free zone”

One of the ads that came through recently at the fire station was a full page ad from an ink and toner company. (I want to swipe this, by the way, from the Chief’s scrap paper pile because it is genius in my humble opinion.)

One thing I will say about it is that it STOOD OUT!

The positioning of the faxed one-page ad has this unique ability to stick a stake right though the heart of the receiver or reader, who could careless, at this moment, about some boring toner and ink. Even though, later, he HAS to buy for this for the company’s printer at some point.

The Chief gave me a funny look but nodded after, when I tried to explain why the Toner company that still sends faxes….weekly, monthly, or whatever is really clever.

I said something to the chief about how that same company could be sending you emails and you would NEVER even open them, and most of them might not even end up in the company inbox or pass spam filters.


Fax machines have no spam filters.

If Dan Kennedy were to observe this situation he would probably see the ink and toner company definitely raised their status by implementing this faxed one-pager in their marketing process.

I mean think about it.

Who buys ink and toner in the first place?

I could make a logical guess and assume most folks that use printers and fax machines buy ink and toner at some point.

Bingo, baby!

No matter how much the Chief secretly hates the Ink and Toner company… or faxes…

He will (eventually) buy and continue to buy from this Toner company.


Well, there’s several reasons for this buying psychology or phenomenon, if you want to break it down a little.

Buying and shopping for ink and toner is tedious and boring. What sane person wants to carve out time this week to shop around? Even if its the best price… boring, boring, boring.

So, this ink and toner company, really is top on the chief’s list — whether he admits it or not!

This ink and toner company made it super easy to order, too, and buy more of what the printer and fax need as well.

The overwhelming force to acquire a customer is caused by the consistency of faxing the client on a regular basis, even if it annoys them or if their ad later becomes scrap paper.

The positioning, here, is second-to-none.

I mean this ink and toner company shows up alone. -there aren’t many, if any businesses still using and sending faxes.

This company is not really having much trouble with competition… they are the only ones knocking on the door, at least the right door, getting the sales message delivered without distractions you see on the computer.

If the chief, decided to buy from this company before, and the Toner company keeps pestering him once in awhile to buy, and maybe offering special bundled deals ONLY to the people receiving faxes.’

Well this is the strong kinda predetermination can be difficult to cultivate and promote organically, unless you are clever like the Toner company.

They really made the buying process super easy to begin with, and they are annoying, in a good way, so the special bundle deal gives the chief more confidence he’s getting the very best deal and saving time as well from having to “shop around”.

Finally, you really can see the sales conducive-environment the Toner company promoting for itself, by utilizing the fax for advertising.

There aren’t top many distractions that get in the way of getting the message straight to the client, prospect,repeat customer, etc.

If you’re looking to become a more persuasive marketer and want to create a competition-free zone, reach out to me at I can provide you with exclusive tips and insights to help you become a master of persuasive marketing.

Speaking of fax machines…

I can be contacted via fax for more information about my “fax only” newsletter or for help with your business or ad copy. Just shoot me an email at, and I’ll give you my secret fax number. Plus, if you want to test-drive Dan Kennedy’s and Russell Brunson’s monthly newsletter, visit for more information.

Justin McDonald



Justin McDonald

Badass Business Storyteller... Student of Markets... Results Maximizer...